Bush Kindy


Nature Play, Bush Kindy and Outdoor Education

Everton Park Child Care and Development Centre provides a unique opportunity for children to play in nature without having to leave the centre.  This ensures that all children have the opportunity to experience the outdoor environment every day and  in all weather.

Research has found that outdoor play and unstructured play is crucial for brain development. Children need to remain active throughout the day for their brains to develop effectively.  Hands on learning in a natural environment along with using loose parts in play stimulates children’s senses and overall development.

Our Outdoor Space

Our Outdoor environment is unlike other child care centres,boasting a large array of shady trees, natural grass with decorative native gardens, vegetable gardens, a digging patch/ fire pit, a covered sand pit, as well as a yarning circle, with small intimate spaces throughout the yard along with many opportunities for climbing and other physical activities.

Our outdoor space is approved by Nature Play Qld as a Bush Kindy, and is managed by our Outdoor Education Leader, and supported by all other members of the team.


Nature Play

Our outdoor environment has been designed to promote Nature play. Nature Play can be described as unstructured free play in a natural environment. Every day the children are free to explore the environment finding natural resources to use in their play, discover animals and insects that share our space, create unique play scenarios based on their ideas, and enjoy the freedom of being a child in a natural space. The use of loose parts has become the norm in our outdoor space.  

As a centre, we recognise the increasing need for children to increase physical activity and have explored many ways to include a wide variety of physical activities in our wonderful natural environment. We provide a wide variety of physical activities that enhance children’s brain and overall development.

These activities provide the children with the opportunity to participate in Adventurous play. This provides children with the a safe place for them to encounter uncertainty and unpredictability. Children develop their Negotiation and collaboration skills whilst meeting physical challenges guided by the children’s own limitations.

All these experiences help build concentration, balance, risk assessment, perseverance, self-confidence and fun. Children leave Everton Park Child Care Centre with confidence and resilience when they go to school.

We share a commitment to a sustainable future to ensure our future generations can enjoy and benefit from the environment for years to come.

For additional information visit the Nature Play Queensland website.

Opening Hours

6.30am to 6.30pm, 52 weeks per year
Closed only for public holidays


25 Halle St,
Everton Park QLD 4053

Contact Us

Open Hours Phone: 07 3355 7844
Out of hours emergency: 0414 335 744
Email: con@evertonparkchildcare.com.au

Everton Park Child Care

Here your family has an opportunity to share in friendship, security and fun during your child’s formative years. You want your child’s transition from home to childcare gentle and comforting, with staff trained to carefully assist each child to become confident and happy in starting at Everton Park Child Care & Development Centre. That’s the Everton Park Child Care difference.

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